January 25, 2009


Thanks to all of you have forwarded me additional information on our "lost" classmates this week--especially to Danielle N., Jo and Ja-Nita, who sent along several email addresses and other leads. Thanks to your efforts we contacted about 7 additional classmates in the last week. We now have 64 working email addresses and a few other mailing addresses and phone numbers. We've contacted almost 28% of our classmates so far. Keep that great information coming! :)

January 20, 2009

People We've Found

Here is the list of people for whom we currently have a working email address. Everyone on this list will soon receive a link to this blog so they can subscribe or check back for updates about the reunion.

Laura Adkins
Theodore Ahrenholtz
Regina Allen
Kimberly Almquist Luce
Aaron Anderson
Amy Ankrum
Shanon Arnold
David Baes (Bradley)
Gilbert Baeza
Lori Baier-Richardson
Deena Baker
Tracy Ball
Andrea Balthazor Stringer
Lisa Barnes Brown
Tim Barr
Elizabeth Bartlett
Brenda Beasley
Billi Jo Beck Riese
Robert Bennett
Kimber Berger
Gina Beverly Addison
Kimberly Bolby
Tammy Boos
Jennifer Brown
Kristin Brungardt Suttle
Casey Burket
Bo Butters
Melonie Cassetty Stuart
Vickie Choitz
Richard Cole
Chad Conner
Laurie Constable Orosco
Claudio Corradetti
Charla Counts Tatom
Christina Covert Post
Dawn Cross
Mauri Cruce Keck
Jennifer Crum Cleveland
Leslie Davis Seabrooks
Chris Day
Danielle Denton
Michelle DeWitt Day
Jonathan Doddridge
Carol D'Souza Karer
JoEllen Dungan Nordström
Jacub Eikleberry
Jason Eikleberry
Jennifer Ellison
Steven Elstrom
Mika Ehrnrooth
Kyle Farr
Jason Fellers
Dart Forst
Keri Fouard Bell
Lesli Garrison Novony
Don Gebhardt
Amie Gibson Goins
Rex Gibson
Mark Giles
Chad Girard
Laura Glazier
Toni Graf Thompson
Georgeann Greene Goodlett
Mitch Gregoire
Adrianne Griffin
Kimberly Grover Garrett
Crystal Haggard
Jason Haney
Denise Harp Bader
Audrea Harvey
Flynn Harvey
Tim Hebert
Tom Highsmith
Julie Hill Davis
Monica Holtz Daniel
Rebecca Horst McKnight
Jaymon Hotz
Alex Johnson
Bryan Klostermeyer
Denet Klug Smith
Bari Knox Deardorff
Jon Koop
Kimberly Lacy Hill
Reba Lancaster Allison
Matt Langley
Erin Lilly Rollins
Jennifer Logan Armstrong
Joe Lopez
Troy Lubbers
Chad Luce
Pam Mack
David McCullick
Dante McGrew
Daniel Mersch
Holly Miller
Shawn Miller
James Milleson
Evette Mitchell Beckman
Michelle Mobley Davis
Marci Modica Hogan
Michael Montgomery
Jeff Montre
Mindy Morrison Gueldner
Billy Morrow
Edward Nail
Cindy Neuschafer Jones
Danielle Norwood
Christopher Olson
Ben O'Shea
Rachelle Parker
Rachel Pearson
Chris Pence Taddiken
Bryan Perry
Crystal Porter
Valerie Putman Paulson
Crystal Raw Fore
Traci Reinsch McDonald
Dustin Rhodes
Everett Richardson
Karen Roark Swanson
Stephanie Robb Johnson
Kent Roberts
Frances Rodriguez
Darin Rohrer
Martin Ropp
Stephen Rufus
Karl Schmidt
Jeff Schmitt
Ja-Nita Shull Bonilla
Jamey Simms
Lenny Skieff
Alice Small Shakespear
Layla Simmons Hassler
Jeff Smith
Erick Speilman
Erich Starrett
Katy Stevenson England
Jamie Stinger
Shanele Stires
Kena Tague Wolf
Tiffany Thomann (West)
Kari Tinkler Hachiya
Jason Torrey
Michael Torrey
Katrina Truitt
Kevin Unruh
Darci Vader Kinnett
Shane Valcoure
Cary Wagner
Kevin Wallace
Ernie Whitaker
John Williams
Cathy Winslow Lott
Mari Woody Elmer
Susan Worley Riggs

Please let me know if you see any mistakes!

*Indicates we have a mailing address but not an email address.

People We've Lost

Okay, so maybe these people aren't completely lost, but as of right now we don't have their email address added to our master list. If you have any information about any of the following people, such as their married name, their current city, their place of employment, their husband/wife's name, or their email address, please email me and let me know.

Starla Acheson
Scott Allen
Willie Baeza
Jeannie Ballou
Michelle Brady
Kristina Brannen
Lonnie Brown
Jeffrey Burnham
Michael Carlin
Ron Constable
Tony Conway
Richard Courter
Crystal Cox
William Cox
Todd DeWitt
Jamey Diehl
Perry Disney
Terry Disney
Aran Douglass
Gary Elliot
Brandi Ensign
Jason Fauci
Greg Fears
Tammy Fillerman
Timothy Fisher
Ryan Geist
George Goracke
Debbie Graybeal
Harlan Gulzow
Tracy Hawk
Marc Henry
Candy Hildebrandt
Tuija Ihalainen
Timothy Kelley
Dae Kim
Tracy LaOrange
Rick Larson
Alex Leidig
Daniel Lobdell
Timothy Mann
Preston McNeal
Emily Mesa
Ed Miles
Anissa Miller
Tryrone Morgan
Bang Nguyen
Kevin North
Cello Perez
Chad Perry
John Poister
Eric Pope
Paul Powell
Charles Rice
Anthony Riedel
Clay Riley
Joshua Rogers
Tanya Sanchez
Jeremy Schneider
Lori Searle
Matt Shannon
Andre Smith
Casey Sparks
Dorian Stanton
Danny Sutton
Jon Tuttle
John Vargas
Scott Velasquez
Jennie Wagner
Richard Wakefield
Peter Wallingford
Forest Wentworth
Anne White
Troy Wiegand
Gabe Wilson
Sherry Wilson

If there's anyone else from our class who you think is missing from this list, please let me know. I appreciate any help you all can provide!

January 11, 2009

Get Connected!

If you'd like for your contact information to be added to the master list for our class, please send your name and email address to the reunion committee at salinacentral1990 (at) gmail.com. We may collect snail mail addresses at a later date...or maybe we'll just send all the reunion information via email!

We'd also love to have you join our alumni group on Facebook--it's a great way to reconnect with classmates!

January 10, 2009

Event Details

June 11-13, 2010
The weekend of the Smoky Hill River Festival



Social Evening
The Paramount Bar (on the patio if the weather is good!)
219 N Santa Fe Avenue
8:00 p.m.


Tour of Salina Central
Enter the front doors on Front Street
10:00 a.m.

Family Gathering at the River Festival
Northwest of the Botanical Gardens Fountain
12:00-5:00 p.m.
(Check here for rain location)

Class Reunion
Martinelli's Little Italy
158 S. Santa Fe
Hors D'oeuvres, Drinks, and Dancing
7:00-11:00 p.m.
Payment required in advance!!


No events scheduled